Angela Ricker Angela Ricker

Restorative Justice can be a beginning of a process of growth

Restorative Justice is a part of the criminal justice process in Aotearoa for those who have pled guilty and have an identifiable victim. How does this work with clients at RISE? Find out from one of our clinicians who works part time for both organisations.

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Angela Ricker Angela Ricker

What does a stopping violence programme look like?

Peek inside the RISE Non-Violence Programme for our answer to the question: do stopping violence courses work? It’s Week 2 of White Ribbon NZ month and we are taking you through the 16 week curriculum.

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Angela Ricker Angela Ricker

I can’t be this person anymore

Anna talks about her experience using violence against her partner. “I didn’t want to be the human being I had been anymore. I grew up around anger and I was on the receiving end of physical abuse when I grew up. I thought it was normal.”

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